Charlie Olivier-Gagnon

Basic Info

Age: 22

Race & Species: Mixed Race Vampire

Born: March 20th

Pronouns: He/him

Gender: Cis man

Powers: Shadow manipulation




Charlie is best known as the level-headed member of the team. Unlike Mark, who freezes in stressful situations, Elsie, who fights the first moment she can, and Haruka, who leaves the moment stressful situations happen, Charlie can keep his head in tense moments. He is known as a relaxed and agreeable person, known around town for being a good person to ask advice from.

Charlie struggles with judgement from all angles, both from the human community as a mixed-race man and from the monstrous community as a vampire. Despite being a pleasant individual, he still has many stereotypes he must fight against to live his life. A large reason why he enjoys the company of the Artifact Holders is because they do not judge him or his family the way others often do.

Despite his usually relaxed attitude, Charlie is extremely protective of his family, and will fight to the death to protect them.
