Ernest Flowers

Basic Info

Age: 25

Race & Species: White Human

Born: December 14th

Pronouns: He/him

Gender: Cis man

Powers: Mirror magic (dimensional manipulation & shapeshifting)




Ernest is the mild-mannered and shy book & hobby shop attendant, well known around Limin's Vale for his timid personality and slight stutter. Although somewhat popular with people his age, he's known for having a harshly negative view of himself. As a result, he doesn't have many friends and his few romantic endeavours ended quite miserably. Ernest struggles deeply with his self-esteem, not finding much of himself to be worthy of pride or love. He is especially self-conscious of his looks, finding himself to be hopelessly ugly. He does not believe anyone could find him attractive, and he doesn't know how to take it when Mark expresses interest in him.

Generally, Ernest is known as a helpful and friendly person. Despite his shy nature, everyone in town knows he is always reliable and an excellent worker. He is willing to work even when he is emotionally hurt, making him a favourite among his managers. While he is anxious in social situations, he is happy to interact with others, and eager to do anything he can to help.

He uses his mirror powers at first to create a pocket dimension in which he is what he thinks is the most handsome version of himself, and adopting what he believes to be a more confident and cool personality. Eventually he uses his mirror powers to shapeshift and create pocket dimensions at will, not to hide or escape reality but instead to help those around him.
