Lillie Baxendale

Basic Info

Age: 30

Race & Species: White Human

Born: August 25th

Pronouns: She/her

Gender: Trans woman

Powers: Supernatural charisma




Lillie is mostly a hermit, but where she fails at real life interactions, she is adept at online interaction. She spends most of her time online, and she's up to date on all of the latest memes and online dramas. Her artifact helps her with socialization, but she's usually not bothering to use it unless it's necessary.

She occassionally works at the local gas station and movie theatre, but doesn't like to do it often. Besides her husband, she doesn't enjoy talking with others. She will hide in the house when guests are over because she simply doesn't want to talk to others.

Despite her inability to speak with others, she loves tabletop roleplaying games, and will play them online. She is also interested in card games, and wants to get into them, though her anxiety with others makes it difficult.
