During a quiet, snowy night, Daisykit sits outside all alone, gazing at the night sky.

Dazzlepaw joins Daisykit, eager to talk of Daisykit's upcoming apprentice ceremony.

To Dazzlepaw's utter shock, Daisykit speaks!

Daisykit tells Dazzlepaw that they do not wish to be seen as a tom anymore.

Dazzlepaw, ever the compassionate molly, completely understands, and helps Daisykit run through their thoughts.

Eventually, Daisykit comes to the conclusion that she would like to try out being referred to with "she" pronouns, though she still considers herself something other than a molly.

Dazzlepaw eagerly welcomes Daisykit as herself, and reassures her that the clan loves her unconditionally.


During the night, as Smallpaw heals from his injuries, Slightstar makes small talk about Blazepaw.

Smallpaw can't hide his infatuation with Blazepaw, and quickly becomes embarrassed. Slight comforts him, assuring him that his feelings aren't bad; she asks him what it is about Blazepaw that catches his eye.

Smallpaw explains that, as an outsider to the clans, he was always outcast from the clan save for the few cats that survived the flames.

Blazepaw bravely led the HawkClan survivors out of the flames, leaving Smallpaw in awe over his courage.

Slight encourages Smallpaw to tell Blazepaw how he feels, and he considers it before sleeping for the night.

Hours later, Blazepaw wakes Smallpaw up to change his bandaging. Feeling a new sense of courage, Smallpaw begins to tell Blazepaw how he feels.

Blazepaw informs Smallpaw that he always knew, and admits he shares his feelings. The two share in a moment of joy as they agree to become mates.

Slight, seeing Blazepaw leaving the medicine den, asks him how Smallpaw is. Blazepaw admits that the both of them are doing wonderfully. Slight congratulates them.
