Milo "Margay" Braatz

Basic Info

Age: 27

Ethnicity: Jewish/Romani

Born: April 19th, 1997

Pronouns: He/him

Gender: Male (trans)

Height: 5'1"

Hometown: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario

Occupation: Full-time superhero

Powers: Enhanced balance




Milo "Margay" Braatz is the warm and friendly hero of Birchville, Ontario. While he isn't particularly powerful, he gets along well with many people and is well known for his ability to help others.

As Milo, he is known as a friendly, sweet, but shy man. His neighbours often attempt to help him break out of his shell, but he is reluctant to do so. His previous bosses enjoyed his work ethic, but were critical of his lack of social skills.

As Margay, he is well known for his helpful nature. He will go out of his way to approach people and is often energetic. His neighbours know of him as a charming and wonderful hero, and he has much support from the community. More than anything, Margay is everything Milo wishes he could express without fear.

Margay is somewhat of a laughing stock amongst superpowered people, as his power is quite lackluster compared to theirs. Nevertheless, he does his best to help civillians. Unlike many heroes, he is quite friendly to everyone he meets, even his foes, and he often takes a redemptive approach to villains; he'll often help people in need even when they have actively hurt or mistreated him. His soft approach makes his loved ones worry for him.

