Mark Blaustein

Basic Info

Age: 20

Race & Species: Jewish Human

Born: April 19th

Pronouns: He/him

Gender: Trans man

Powers: Flora creation & manipulation




Mark is a socially awkward autistic man just moving in to Limin's Vale. Having not grown up around the area, he isn't fully accustomed to the weirdness going on, but he's used to not fitting in. He tries his best above all else to be kind and generous to people, even when he struggles to communicate with them.

Mark is notably determined in the things he persues, never giving in when things go wrong. He is often praised for his ability to power through difficult situations, but that strength also comes with the downside of struggling to express himself sincerely. He often holds his own thoughts and opinions close to his chest, never trying to express them unless probed.

Mark is a master with his power, having picked up his artifact from a young age. Unlike the other artifact holders, he is fearless in his usage of his artifact, never allowing his power to bounce back against him. The few times his power does go awry, he freezes up, unsure of what to do.
