Jeff Andonuts

Basic Info

Age: 14

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Born: December 25th, 1985

Pronouns: He/him

Gender: Cis male




Jeff is an outcast in most social situations he is in. From the prestigious Snow Wood Boarding School in Winters, to the scorching hot bazaar of Scaraba, to the crowded streets of Fourside, Jeff can't ever seem to fit in quite as well as any other teen his age. From a young age, Jeff was strange to everyone who saw him; quiet, introverted, always holding his arms in a strange way. Peers and authority figures alike could always see he is quite different.Despite his introverted nature, or perhaps because of it, Jeff is a hardworking and creative boy who works hard to create useful inventions. His close friend, Tony, often supports Jeff's creations, grabbing anything he needs to make them.

Jeff is noticeably smaller than most teens his age. He also struggles to express his emotions on his face, and his clothes are often too big for him. When he is excited, he enjoys rocking back and forth, and will even flap his arms around. Because of these quirks, many people consider him to be quite adorable.

Whether he is considered adorable or pitiful, most people miss what truly goes on in Jeff's heart; mainly, that he is incredibly angry at his father, and would take any opportunity to track him down. He has an intense fear of abandonment, and when he becomes friends with someone, he clings to them desperately. When he had to leave his Boarding School home, he struggled intensely with missing Tony. When the chosen children go through any kind of internal struggle, he is deeply affected.Out of all the chosen children, Jeff is the most likely to follow his friends into dangerous situations.

Jeff considers himself an atheist. He hasn't really thought much about religion as a whole, and it has no real place in his beliefs, so he simply doesn't think about it.
