


Slightstar - She/Her. young adult molly with brown, striped fur, emerald eyes and a white spot on her right eye and hind paws.


Position unfilled.

Medicine Cat

Position unfilled.

Medicine Cat Apprentice

Blazepaw - He/him. a lithe, silver-eyed young tom with ginger and white fur forming a small heart pattern on his side.


None present.

Warrior Apprentices

Smallpaw - He/him. a slender blue-gray tom with emerald green eyes, a spotted pelt, noticeably delicate paws, and scarring on his back and face.

Dazzlepaw - She/her. a plump, dark ginger molly with long fur sporting thin striping, and bright amber eyes.


Daisykit - She/her. a tiny, pale ginger and white cat, with brilliant blue eyes.

Mountain Rogues


Wolf - He/him. a large, blue-gray, heavily scarred tom with long, ragged fur, and sharp amber eyes.

Miscellaneous Rogues

Razor - He/him. a chocolate pointed tom with noticeably scarred, wirey fur, and bright blue eyes.

Celene - She/her. an all black molly with cold blue eyes and scarring on her back.

Soleil - She/her. a tortoiseshell and white molly with scarring on her pelt and golden eyes.

Peridot - He/him. a bright ginger, striped tom with scarring on his back and forest green eyes.

Jasper - She/her. a dark ginger smokey molly with scarring on her back and deep orange eyes.
