
Basic Info

Campaign: Qataram 1 & 2

Age: 22

Species: Tiefling

Pronouns: He/him

Gender: Trans man

Height: 5'4"

Hometown: Unknown, currently residing in Redcliffe

Occupation: Bookstore clerk / Former adventurer

Powers: Warlock magic




Despite his odd name, Garbage is a down-to-earth and kind tiefling man, and one of the fiercest defenders of the realm. Stalwart and steadfast, he's known as one of the great heroes who first thwarted Pembrooke in his quest for power and complete immortality. If you ask Garbage yourself, though, he would hardly recognize those traits as his own; he is unwilling to accept his own greatness, and would insist that his friends Eneida and the late Kothorn did much more to thwart him.

Garbage's relationship with himself and his family are both quite rocky. Raised in a cult that taught him his very existence as a tiefling was a curse and a disease to be cured, he fought tooth and nail to gain the confidence he has now (even if it is still disproportionate to his true worth). He has cut all contact with his parents, but not before stealing back his younger sister, Xena, and the small Rebel, who he had met in the alternate, dark future that Pembrooke thrust him and his group into. He now cares for Xena and Rebel as if they were his own children.

Though he no longer travels with Eneida, she still keeps him in the loop of the goings on, particularly with Pembrooke, and he keeps an eye out for any suspicious activity that may threaten their home, Redcliffe. When he isn't keeping vigil, he helps his husband, Lewis, in taking care of their children.
