To Snufkin, Love Moomintroll

Written December 15th, 2019

I think about you sometimes,

when you leave the cold behind.

I think of you when I look out onto the frozen, quiet world. I think of the warmth you bring to me in the spring, summer, autumn.

I think of how we stay together, no matter how much it may drain you. I think of how lucky I am to see you, to hear you light up as we speak.

I think of how I miss you, how the cold steals your warmth, my light. I think of how lonely it is without you in the world.

I think of the stories you bring back to me, the experiences you've lived. I think of the gentle ways you hold my hands.

I think of every moment we spend together. I think of how empty I feel, without those gentle moments.

I'm thinking of you now. I miss you.
