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Written October 26th, 2021

Divide me up into little categories

Put every aspect of me into neat little organized boxes

(Don't forget to remove all the parts you don't like!)

And now, I'm divided

Perfect bite sized

I am ready for your consumption

What's wrong, flesh-eater? You say you don't want to eat me?

If that were true, you wouldn't be here, would you?

You've punctured my soul enough to leave giant gaping holes,

but don't feel bad! Who doesn't like swiss cheese?

Oh? You say it's not your fault,

But weren't you there, just as eager to get a bite as the rest of the vultures around?

Hungry, snarling jackals you are, so eager for the next great drama,

"Art lore" and "Callout posts," cancellations and accusations;

You're all hungry dogs, eager to eat, regardless of the context or truth.

I'm hardly human anymore,

and neither are you, right?

We signed our souls away when we agreed to the privacy policy.
