
Written March 8th, 2023

i keep mentally returning to the idea of the minotaur

like, do you think the minotaur wanted to be violent the way it was?

or maybe, when it was still young and cared for by its mother, it was taught that the only way it would ever get attention and affection from its busy noble parents was through violence

and because it was speaking the only language it was taught, it was locked away, alone and scared, in a maze it couldn't find its way out of,

and the only people who ever saw it were just there to kill it

do you think it would have turned out better if it was given love that whole time, if it was out of that maze? do you think it daydreams about the sunlight outside of the maze? do you think it remembers what fresh air feels like? does it dream of the way stars twinkle?

did you know the minotaur was given a name when he was born?

most people don't, because he's just a beast to be fought

people forget he was a baby once

his name was asterius, or sometimes asterion depending on the translation, but regardless they're the same here; stars embedded in his name

it's dumb but i see myself in his shoes (hooves?)

i spent so much of my life being the villain to people around me bc it was the role i fit best,

but now that i'm trying to be good i don't know what to do

i just feel like asterius sitting alone in the maze

waiting for theseus to come kill me

or maybe i'm just projecting
