Haunted House Musings

Written October 3rd, 2022

you haunt me

as a ghost that will not leave haunted halls

you have never left me to my solitude

your voice echoes in my walls

I've likened myself to a haunted house many times

walls of cold flesh and blood

untouched for ages, maybe since time itself began

not haunted by ghosts, but by my own mind racing

a house whose shape changes to greet all intruders with churning stomach acids and gnashing teeth

if a house is haunted by a something, that something can jump out and yell "BOO!"

that something can be removed, like a tumour, torn right out of the flesh it resides in

but you cannot remove a house from itself

a house, haunting itself

but you,

you enter the impossible house

you have no fear of a sentient, abandoned house

you're eager to explore the house on ash tree lane

you run your hands against the every-shifting walls with glee

you are the eleanor vance to my hill house


how does your heart stay strong within these walls?

these suffocating walls are black and leprous

they've sunken into themselves, deeper than themselves

how can you stay here? do you not see the mold?

i fear you may sink into my poison

but still, you are unafraid to walk through my halls

i could swallow you up

every room of mine a mouth

but you aren't scared of my sharp teeth

I've always been fascinated by houses abandoned,

houses that felt so alone in their silence that they grow eyes in their bitterness

but your presence here does beg a question

if the house can hate you,

if the house can scream at you and eat you and shift its own architecture just to torment you,


can the house also love you?
