Family Secrets

Written June 27th, 2022

"You look like a kyke,"

you said to me.

"How do you hide your horns, hooknose?"

you said to me.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to feel.

"Why is your nose so big?"

you said to me.

"Your skin tone is so weird."

you said to me.

I felt tears in my eyes, but I couldn't say why. I didn't know how to say what I felt, and thought.

"Your hair is so dark, what a shame."

you said to me.

"You look like a gypsy dancer, a little Esmerelda in the making!"

you said to me.

Did you know how much it hurt? Yet I couldn't scream, I had no right to.

"I have a secret to tell you."

I said to you.

"I remember when the family documents were burned."
