
Written March 25th, 2023

as humans we act like we're above petty instincts

no mere animals but instead intellectuals

but one thing connects us all in life

the need to go out and eat

no matter how small the lifeform is

or how docile or tamed or civilized

one thing stays above all else

the gnawing hunger; "eat!"

we put on clothes and shoes and smiles

we walk among the common folk

but venture into the canadian cold

and you'll surely need to eat

people question why or how

anyone could hurt another

but be desperate enough for sustenance

and you'll find you've begun to eat

in times gone past we spoke about

a creature that convinces you family is food

get yourself hungry enough and

you'll hear its voice say "EAT"

teeth, fangs, lips, tongue,

beak, proboscis, endocytosis;

body plans all formed for one simple goal,


if you're reading this thinking i'm joking

or exaggerating the feelings,

then look me in the eyes and hear me now;

all i want to do now is eat.
