Elliana "Elli" Myer




16 years old


"I know you're hiding something from us. Heal that idiot, and then, answer my questions. Honestly." ("that idiot" being a fatally injured Vernon)


Elli is known for her stubborn determination in all things. If she believes she will be able to overcome a hurdle, she will, and she'll make it seem flawless. Despite the ease with which she does things, she struggles to feel happy amidst her success. Because she is such a flawless actress, she is often busy with all kinds of performance arts, which she mostly feels indifferent towards. She is happiest at home with a video game, away from most people. During battle, her job is often to mend her teammates - and any of the messes they cause along the way. Her arrows are made of pure light, and she can use them to wrap ribbons around anything she wants, whether it be sewing her friends' wounds closed or wrapping her enemies to subdue them.

Though she struggles to express it to the best of her ability, she cares deeply for Vernon and will always protect him. She was the first to trust Bug, and recognizes its childlike innocence and curiosity as good traits. She loves and appreciates her sister, of course, but she often finds Bella to be overwhelming and overprotective. She cares for all of the younger teens as a sister does, doing what she can to provide them the care and guidance she believes an older sister should.
