Isabella "Bella" Myer




19 years old


"I'll give anything... please, make them all like me!"


Cheerful and optimistic, Bella seems to allow everything to happen to her in stride. She gives off a friendly and approachable energy, which people are naturally gravitated towards. Despite her cute and cheerful demeanor, she lives under the shadow of her sister, who seems to be able to do anything she puts her mind to. Previously a social outcast, she now revels in the attention that has been drawn to her. Her landmines are able to both injure and disorient enemies, something she takes great pride in. She can call attention to herself at any time, and she is a master at manipulating the attention of enemies.

Out of everyone in the group, Bella trusts her sister Elli more than anyone else. On the flip side, she cannot stand her sister's best friend, Vernon, but she begrudgingly allows them to socialize regardless. She definitely prefers Bug, as she thinks it is adorable. She thinks of all of the teens as her siblings, and is eager to take them under her wing.
