April McLean




13 years old


"I want to become a wolf at will!!! Let me be a werewolf!!! Let me channel the wolf within me!!!"


April is the infamous weird girl of the school, but she couldn't care less. Too wrapped up in the euphoria of being her true self, she couldn't care less that people treat her as an outcast. Strong willed, ambitious, and cheerful, she's always in a state of hyperactive movement. Her power allows her to shift her form back and forth between her regular humanoid form and a huge werewolf form with sharp claws and soft fur.

April adores her girlfriend, Tracy, more than anything. Her two best friends are Zack and Danny. She doesn't like Vernon, but she doesn't hate him the way most people do, either. She looks up to Elli for being so cool and level-headed, and she looks up to Bella for being so effortlessly cute.
